Young Persons
We at Morrab Surgery offer a CONFIDENTIAL service for young people, dealing with general health problems as well as contraception and sexual health. All of our staff are trained to ensure that information about you and any care or treatment you receive from us remains confidential. Please see our CONFIDENTIALITY POLICY.
I want to know more about...
We are always happy to provide a private area for you if you feel embarrassed or uncomfortable speaking to the staff at the main reception desk. Please tell us or otherwise we won’t know! If you have a problem with reading or hearing or perhaps or perhaps a language problem, please tell our staff and we can help. (We can provide an interpreting service over the phone).
N.B. If you have any ideas or suggestions as to how we can improve our services to teenagers, please let us know! We would love to have your feedback.
Confidentiality Policy
The practice complies with Data Protection and Access to Medical Records legislation. We would like to reassure you that every member of staff is trained to ensure that information about you, and any care or treatment you receive from the practice remains confidential.
We will not disclose information about you, your attendances at the surgery or the reasons for those attendances to any other person without your express consent.
However, you should be aware that we have a duty of care towards all our patients and should the Doctor consider there to be a risk to either your own health or the general public as a whole, he/she may involve other health professionals in your care. This is a very rare occurrence and you would always be told that any personal information was to be shared in advance of it happening.